Federal Arctic Forum «ARCTIC DAYS in MOSCOW» organized by Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation will take place November 19 – 21, 2015, in Moscow.
This year's forum promises a lot of interesting activities. Last year The ARCTIC DAYS, November 2014, was attended by over 3500 people. More than 2000 scientists and specialists from Moscow, Russian Arctic Regions, Great Britain, Germany, Norway, Island, Chech took part in discussion of topical issues of the Arctic region at the scientific conference "The Arctic Open", which has become a key event of ARCTIC DAYS in MOSCOW. The Federal Arctic Forum «ARCTIC DAYS in MOSCOW» is held from 2010 and traditionally causes the huge public & media interest. This event is very popular in scientific and political circles. In 2015 ARCTIC DAYS in MOSCOW includes next events: Panel Dicussion «THE BUSINESS CLIMATE IN THE ARCTIC», II International Scientific Conference «OPEN ARCTIC», Folk Festival «HELLO! IT'S ARCTIC!», Multimedia Exhibition «THE ARCTIC».
The main goals of the forum: drawing attention to the natural, historical and cultural sites in the Arctic, increasing of the tourism attractiveness of the Far North of Russia, showing Great North and dialogue about environmental problems in the Arctic.
For more information please visit the conference's website - http://arctic-days.ru/en/