Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


NVP International Summer School Svalbard 2023 Photo Credit Ragnhild Utne NVP 025 LargeThe Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research (NVP), in partnership with The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), is delighted to announce the NVP International Summer School 2024, entitled "The Global Arctic." This event forms part of a series of interdisciplinary summer schools conducted in the distinctive locales of Longyearbyen and Isfjord Radio, Svalbard, specifically designed for PhD students and Postdocs.

Scheduled from 9 to 19 June, the programme is split between theoretical sessions in Longyearbyen and practical fieldwork at the Isfjord Radio station. The 2024 summer school is set to explore the increasing global significance of the Arctic, underscoring how climate change is transforming its environment and impacting geopolitical, ecological, and socio-economic dynamics. This edition will particularly highlight the shared challenges of the Arctic with those in the Antarctic and the Himalayas, providing a comprehensive, global perspective on environmental change. Principal aims include fostering interdisciplinary thought and equipping participants with the abilities to tackle complex global issues. The curriculum is devised to enhance understanding of how alterations in the polar regions affect global sustainability, communities, and resource management.

PhD students and Postdocs are encouraged to apply by submitting their CV and a motivation letter via NVP's online application portal. The deadline for applications is 3 March 2024, with successful candidates being informed by 29 March. This summer school presents a matchless opportunity to engage with the critical challenges of the polar regions and to connect with fellow scholars in an exceptional setting. Learn more and apply here.

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UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
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