Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


Compendium to the Report on the State of Northern Knowledge in Canada (Canadian Polar Commission)

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The report on the State of Northern Knowledge in Canada (March 2014) analyses the significant gains made since the beginning of International Polar Year 2007 with a view to determining today's high-level research opportunities. Focusing on the perspectives of northerners, it highlights new knowledge that can be used to address many of the issues northerners have identified as important.

This compendium includes the methodology used to compile the report and some background topic summaries which provide a greater level of detail than it was possible to include in the report itself. Summaries are available on the following topics:

  • Communications, Infrastructure and Transportation Systems
  • Economic Development
  • Energy
  • Food Security
  • Health and Well-Being
  • Housing
  • Read the Compendium

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