The new US National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Research Coordination Network (RCN) - Sustainability Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) network, entitled "Arctic-FROST: Arctic FRontiers Of SusTainability: Resources, Societies, Environments, and Development in the Changing North" announces a call for membership.
Arctic-FROST is an international interdisciplinary collaborative network and platform for research exchange, developing interdisciplinary synthesis, and international research about Arctic and sub-Arctic sustainability. The network teams together environmental and social scientists, local educators, and community members to enable and mobilize research on sustainable Arctic development. The research is specifically aimed at improving health, human development, and the well-being of Arctic communities while conserving ecosystem structures, functions, and resources under changing climate conditions. The network is based at the Arctic Social and Environmental Systems Research Laboratory at the University of Northern Iowa under the direction of Andre Petrov.
Over the next five years Arctic-FROST will fund multiple meetings and workshops on various subjects pertaining to sustainability and sustainable development in the Arctic. Community members with academic or practical interests in these areas are invited to become Arctic-FROST members. Arctic-FROST membership is free and open for all. Membership benefits include:
Opportunity to connect with network researchers and receive interdisciplinary and international collaboration experience;
Eligibility for funding to participate in Arctic-FROST activities and events;
Access to special workshops and funding for early career scholars;
Ability to receive members-only research updates, announcements, teaching materials, calls for papers and proposals, and other network-related information; and
Priority in submission of papers and abstracts for Arctic-FROST sponsored publications and activities.
For further information and to register, go to:
For questions, contact: Andrey Petrov; Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.