Researchers and Educators:
Register for PEI Master Class
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Topic: Slip Sliding Away: Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise
Presenters: Dr. Richard Alley and expert educator Ms. Nell Herrmann
Polar Educators, International (PEI), a vibrant network promoting polar education and research to a global community, is pleased to announce the development of a new Master Class series targeting a dual audience: educators seeking cutting-edge professional development on the latest polar science discoveries and researchers interested in learning proven tactics for communicating scientific concepts in a clear and meaningful way.
We welcome your support in getting the word out to your member networks to participate in the first Master Class: "Slip Sliding Away: Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise", held 7-23 May 2014.
Featuring leading researcher Dr. Richard Alley and polar educator, Ms. Nell Herrmann, the class is being offered free to all participants. Membership in PEI is required for participation in Master Class activities. Registration is due by 2 May 2014, with the initial web seminar taking place Wednesday, 7 May 2014 @ 8PM EDT/Thursday, 8 May 2014 @ 0000 GMT.
More information on the Master Class:
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