ExCom call September 27, 2011
In attendance: Allen Pope, Gerlis Fugmann, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye, Angelika Renner, Yulia Zaika
On the 27 September, the ExCom of the 2010/2011-term met for the last time before the transition. It was a pleasure to start the call with the introduction of 8 new council members who used the opportunity to present themselves and ask questions. The ExCom was also pleased to welcome back the council members of the 2010/2011-term who expressed their interest to stay on for the next term, and we are looking forward to work with this new, energetic, and with almost 40 members largest ever APECS council!
The results of the web posting competition were evaluated and it was decided to give the 1st prize to Jenny Fisher who topped the list with amazing 126 contributions to the APECS website in the past half year! The 2nd prize goes to Ciara Sebastian. Congratulations to both and many thanks for your great work! The competition will be started again soon, so stay tuned and keep posting!
We will now get ready for the transition to the new ExCom. The new folks will get started with the transition call on the 4th October. With two of the "old" folks and three new and highly motivated people, this will be another great year for APECS - give them all your support and as always, if there are any questions, suggestions, or comments, get in touch via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!
ExCom call July 27, 2011
Present: Allen Pope, Jenny Baeseman, Gerlis Fugmann, Angelika Renner, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye,
Guests: Yulia Zaika, Rebeca Guardiola
The APECS ExCom had their meeting at the end of July. The first order of business was to consider some recent council applications – you can read about the new members on the Council page. We also discussed endorsement of an Open Access workshop and the Cool Speakers list. The Polar Graduate Programmes database has been successful in helping young researchers as seen from the thank you emails received by Jenny – but we can always use your help in adding more information! As Allen will be on fieldwork for 3 weeks in August-September, Mariëtte Wheeler will be the acting President in Allen's absence.
As always, please contact the ExCom with any news, suggestions, questions, or points for discussion – and make sure to consider applying for next year's ExCom too!
ExCom call June 30, 2011
In attendance: Allen Pope, Jenny Baeseman, Gerlis Fugmann, Angelika Renner, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye,
Guests: Silje-Kritin Jensen, Yulia Zaika
After a longer break, due to fieldwork activities and conferences the ExCom had a meeting again on June 30, joined by the Council chair and the co-chair of the Organizational Development Committee (ODC). All ExCom members had been busy with various projects in the last few weeks. Here are just a few of the exciting activities that the ExCom members are involved in right now: helping the various APECS working groups in moving forward (Climate Change Answers WG, Funding Resources WG, Field Sites WG); a successful panel and workshop at ICASS VII in Akureyri, Iceland; planning for early career researcher activities at the IPY 2012 Conference in Montreal; activities with APECS India like a exhibition of photographs and an initiative to guide young researchers during their dissertation in NCAOR; planning the activities for the Young Scientists Forum and other activities at Arctic Frontiers 2012; and of course various other activities, reports and day to day tasks that help moving our organization forward!
In addition, Allen is working with Ben Beall, who had in the last three years lead the making of the monthly APECS newsletter, on the still-new newsletter format. If you have any feedback on the newsletter, please let the ExCom know!
The ExCom also discussed with the Council chair the results of the Council vote on the changes to the Rules of Procedure. In total 27 Council members voted yes, and 7 did not take part in the vote. We also discussed ways how to encourage more Council members to join the Council calls. As we noticed attendance in the calls is dropping, so we discussed options to change that e.g. reduce the frequency of the calls and have only four full Council calls a year? All Council members are encouraged to give feedback on what you think will increase attendance in the Council calls. All interested APECS members are also invited to join the Council calls! Another discussion point was to remind the Council members to pick which sub-committee they want to be part of, as the involvement in both might be too time consuming.
The APECS Conference Travel Funds Contest launched in February was another agenda item on the ExCom call. All active contributors to the APECS website within 6 months will be entered in a draw to win €500 towards travel or conferences fees to attend your next conference! The ExCom is keeping track of the postings and discussed if this increased the amounts of posts on the APECS website.
The ExCom also discussed how to proceed with the funding brochure. It is ready to print, and we will start sending it out in the next few weeks. Thanks to the Council members who provided feedback and who contributed addresses to the publicity list! We also discussed the reorganization of the partner and sponsor page on the APECS website.
The upcoming ExCom election in September was also discussed and a procedure and timeline was agreed on. The Council chair will coordinate the elections this year. As we want to encourage Council members that want to get more involved, to run for the ExCom for the 2011-2012 term, we discussed that ExCom meetings will now be open to all interested Council members, so just wait for the announcements and let us know if you want to join!
ExCom call April 18, 2011
The APECS ExCom recently met again, this time with input from multiple Council and Working Group members as well. We discussed the status of ongoing projects like the field sites group, IPY E&O Assessment, and the exciting new 'Discipline of the Month' initiative of the RAC. Other updates include APECS India activities on Earth Day, APECS representation at EGU and an IPD development meeting, and planning for the Montreal 2012 conference. If APECS members are looking for an exciting way to get involved in a dynamic conference, we'll be looking for people to help with APECS activities at Arctic Frontiers 2012 before too long. As always, contact us with questions, comments, or concerns!
ExCom call February 28, 2011
Present: Allen Pope, Angelika Renner, Gerlis Fugman, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye
For the first time in quite a while, the ExCom met without Jenny since she was still somewhere between Antarctica and Tromsø. Although we definitely missed her input, there was a lot to discuss.
The updates from the ExCom members showed that there is a lot of APECS activity, especially regarding cooperation with our partner organisations, panels and workshops at meetings, work in national committees, and in the APECS Working Groups. If you wonder how to get involved yourself, the Funding Resources WG and the Field Sites WG are looking for members!
We are continuing the work on our fund raising strategy and the strengthening of links to other scientific organisations. There are a lot of exciting ideas for APECS events during 2011 and 2012, so stay tuned for news!
ExCom call February 7, 2011
In attendance: Allen Pope, Angelika Renner, Gerlis Fugmann, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye, Jenny Baeseman
The ExCom met on 7th February 2011 for their second meeting of the year. After some updates regarding the activities of the ExCom members (web updates, moving forwards working groups, events in progress, etc.), the discussion focused on the funding package on which the ExCom had been working on recently. We decided to approach some APECS advisors for their critical comments and feedback.
To increase the amount of contributions to the APECS website we will be announcing a prize rewarding active posting of content. It was decided to put this into action soon - so watch out APECS members for our announcement!
ExCom call January 18, 2011
In attendance: Allen Pope, Angelika Renner, Gerlis Fugmann, Suhas Shetye, Mariëtte Wheeler, Jenny Baeseman
Guests: Silje-Kristin Jensen, Jennifer Provencher
The ExCom met for its first meeting after the Christmas and New Year break. After some updates regarding the activities of the ExCom members, the discussion focused on the new draft Council Charter. Council members had sent in their comments in the last few weeks and the draft seems to be finalized now. We therefore discussed the timeline for the vote on the draft Council Charter. So watch out Council members for updates!
We also discussed the reports that the Council members had sent in about their recent activities and were very happy about the results. A summary of the reports will be posted on the website to showcase the amazing activities that the Council members are currently involved in and to encourage new members to get active. The ExCom also discussed options for increasing the amount of contributions to the APECS website. Another longer discussion focused on the new advertising and sponsorship strategy for APECS, which the ExCom had been working on recently.
Jennifer Provencher, the project assistant for the International Council for Science (ICSU) funded International Polar Year Education and Outreach Assessment Project that APECS is involved in together with the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), gave us a short update on the project and the current IPY EOC Survey, which you can all follow at http://apecs.is/education-outreach/ipy-outreach-assessment. -
ExCom call December 9, 2010
In attendance: Allen P, Jenny B, Mariëtte W, Gerlis F, and Suhas S. (Geli R very briefly)
The ExCom met for our last meeting of 2010 on 9 December. Our first discussion centered on proposed changes to the Council charter in order to streamline the complementary activities of the Council and the RAC. ExCom members will make an effort to attend both RAC and Council calls next week to make sure we reach the best solution. We then moved on to updates from working groups, ongoing projects, and Council members. The Council is up to a lot of exciting things, like organizing an APECS Brazil workshop, posting interesting jobs and news items, participating in online outreach calls, sending back photos from fieldwork to classrooms, and putting together workshops at conferences in the USA, Norway, Australia and Korea! Other projects which deserve mention are the active posting of the "Who's Who in Polar Science" group and the tremendously successful webinars, while the "Climate Change in Multiple Languages" and "Field Sites" groups have been working behind the scenes. Lookout for more from them in the coming year.
Further discussion moved onto edits to making a package to help raise funds for APECS which will be produced in early 2011. If you have a quick quote about how APECS has helped your career, we'd love to hear it.
With that, the ExCom meeting was adjourned. Best wishes to all those travelling during the holiday season and attending AGU!
ExCom call November 30, 2010
The APECS Executive Committee had an online call using Skype on 30 November 2010. We discussed ongoing activities such as the Arctic Frontiers Conference, Webinars, Workshop for IUGG, UKPN Science Communication workshop, Symposium on Ice Sheets, and ASSW workshop. We also approved a new Funding Bodies Working Group. We discussed our advertising strategy to attract new members and the list of items that should be included in our advertising package. We also agreed to purchase an ACY Mailing component for the APECS website to build automated newsletters. In addition, we discussed the APECS 2-year Annual Report and paper writing work on APECS events and achievements.
We were also joined for part of the call by new Council applicant Nikolas Sellheim, as well as Council chair Silje Kristin Jensen. Nikolas agreed to act as an individual and an official representative of the University of the Arctic on the APECS Council. We approved Nikolas Sellheim's application for joining the council.
ExCom in-person meeting 13 - 15 November 2010
Present: Allen Pope, Angelika Renner, Gerlis Fugmann, Jenny Baeseman, Mariëtte Wheeler, Suhas Shetye
The APECS Executive Committee 2010/2011 met for the first time in person last weekend at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge, UK. As a warm up, we discussed how to move the research activities of APECS forward with a potential restructuring within the Council to streamline the process and make things less complicated. We also approved a new Working Group on sediment budgets. After finalising the list of priorities for the 2010/2011 ExCom, we distributed the associated tasks to accomplish these goals. The strategic plan for APECS for the next few years is almost finalised and we will work in the coming months on its implementation. To attract new members, we have to continue advertising and will thus further develop our advertising strategy and look into the potential of APECS merchandise. Look out for those lapel pins!
Jenny will tackle the huge job of writing down our institutional knowledge to make any future transitions easier. Continuing with the theme of writing, there will be a concentrated effort to produce APECS publications in scientific peer-reviewed journals. We also created a rather long wish list of improvements for the website.
We were also very fortunate to be joined by some APECS mentors. On Sunday, Paul and Julie Berkman met up with us to discuss potential contributions to Antarctica Day (1st December). On Monday, we visited the British Antarctic Survey where Alan Rodger greeted us with a very thought provoking discussion on how to positively communicate climate change as well as the possible impacts of climate change in the polar regions on the residents in the tropical regions. Cynan Ellis-Evans and Nicola Munro updated us on UK Arctic activities and provided advice on international opportunities. They also emphasised the need for collaborative research work among various countries in the Polar regions to utilise resources better and avoid duplication. In the afternoon, we met with Mike Sparrow and Renuka Badhe at the SCAR office to discuss collaborations for 2011.
The weekend was incredibly helpful to get to know each other better, to discuss our ideas and the work and challenges for this year's ExCom, and of course to celebrate Jenny's birthday! Many thanks go to the South African National Antarctic Programme (through the South African National Research Foundation), the National Centre for Antarctic & Ocean Research (NCAOR) India and the Norwegian Polar Institute who contributed financially and made the travels possible, SCAR for a very nice dinner and their continuing support, the British Antarctic Survey for an insightful Monday morning, and the Scott Polar Research Institute for the use of their facilities.
ExCom call November 1, 2010
In Attendance: Jenny/Allen/Gerlis/Geli/Mariëtte/Suhas
The Excom will all be gathering in Cambridge, England on 12 to 15 November for an in-person meeting. The final travel arrangements for the meeting was discussed.
All Excom members have been hard at work on the website, recruiting new members, networking with their assigned Council members and planning events.
During the meeting, we all worked together on finalising the Excom priorities for 2010–2011. We specifically focused on:
potential ways of advertising
report/s for funders
potential peer-reviewed papers on APECS activities and successes
benefits from partnerships with other organisations
the website
responsibilities towards working groups
We will be, amongst other things, discussing the strategic plan for APECS for the coming years in Cambridge. -
ExCom call October 13, 2010
In Attendance: Allen Pope, Geli Renner, Gerlis Fugman, Jenny Baeseman, Mariëtte Wheeler, Suhas Shetye
The 2010-2011 ExCom got a chance to have its second meeting of our term. The meeting focused on making sure all ExCom members are getting up to speed on current and upcoming APECS activities and what the regularly occurring responsibilities of ExCom members are. All current working groups have been paired up with ExCom members. We are in the process of pairing up Council members with the ExCom, too. In the coming weeks, ExCom members will be developing our priorities for the coming year. As always, feel free to contact us to ask questions about APECS or tell us where you want the organization to go!
Meeting Notes
The APECS Executive Committee (ExCom) is meeting every two weeks and a short summary of their calls is posted here. So if you are interested in what the ExCom does, check this page regularly.
© Fiona Tummon, Francisco Fernandoy, ECMWF, Cynthia Sassenroth
Meeting Notes 2009-2010
ExCom call September 30, 2010
present: Alex Taylor, Allen Pope, Daniela Ligett, Gerlis Fugmann, Angelika Renner, Mariette Wheeler, Suhas Shetye, Jenny Baeseman, Kate Sinclair (joined later)
This was the transition call for the old and the new ExCom with both present and a lot to discuss. After a quick introduction round, the old ExCom gave some advice to the new people (have fun!). They also presented their ongoing duties that will have to be redistributed amongst the new ExCom members. The duties and tasks from a revised priority list of ongoing projects will be assigned to people over the next couple of weeks and during the next ExCom call. The old ExCom left after this, and we proceeded to electing the new APECS president. The vote went unanimously to Allen, congratulations!
The ExCom will meet in person on the weekend 12-15 November. Location is still to be decided, but likely Cambridge, UK, or Tromsø, Norway. Allen gave his speech on what he sees as priorities for the new ExCom to work on, namely the strategic plan for APECS, continued and improved communication within the organisation and with partner organisations, and strengthening of science and research activities within APECS.
Jenny had a wealth of comments and recommendations and suggested a press release on the transition to the new ExCom and council that has taken place the day after the IPY IPO closed.
ExCom call September 8, 2010<
In attendance: Allen Pope, Daniela Liggett, Francisco Fernandoy, Gerlis Fugman
As much of the ExCom has been unavailable due to fieldwork, conferences, and an earthquake in New Zealand, this was a quick call. Discussion focused on making sure plans are in place for smoothly transitioning to the 2010-2011 ExCom and Council. Just a quick reminder that applications for the 2010-2011 Council will close on 15 September, and we encourage interest from ALL APECS members. We are also developing an APECS Strategy Plan, but this is still in early development stages. The next ExCom meeting will be at the end of September, shortly after the next Council Call.
ExCom call August 23, 2010
In attendance: Allen Pope, Daniela Liggett, Gerlis Fugman, Jenny Baeseman, and Kate Sinclair
After a bit of a hiatus due to fieldwork and a busy summer conference schedule, the ExCom finally got back to some important business. We discussed the success of APECS activities at the SCAR conference in Buenos Aires and the many promising connections made there for APECS individuals and the organization as a whole. On that note, we are moving closer to an MoU with IASSA and SHARE. In addition, the ExCom made some progress concerning APECS future strategic plans and mindful of the fact that the current committee's term is coming to a close resolved to have a Strategic Plan done by the time they leave such that the next ExCom can use it to move forward. We look forward to the next Council meeting (a busy one) which will include hearing from candidates for the next ExCom as well as some working group updates.
ExCom call July 12, 2010
Present: Alex Taylor, Daniela Liggett, Francisco Fernendoy, Gerlis Fugman, Jenny Baeseman, Allen Pope, & Kate Sinclair (briefly)
The APECS Executive Committee met most recently on 12 July 2010 at 8am GMT. Pushing beyond the 4th IPY, the meeting largely revolved around considering future funding strategies for APECS. A draft of a funding prospectus was considered and edits were discussed, especially concerning the division in returns for various levels of sponsorship (individual, first tier & second tier). A variety of other points were also considered, including involvement at the upcoming SCAR meeting, IASC and ESF grants for future workshops, and the call for applications for the upcoming APECS ExCom elections.
ExCom call June 24, 2010
In attendance: Alex Taylor, Daniela Liggett, Jenny Baeseman, Gerlis Fugmann, Kate Sinclair, Allen Pope and Francisco Fernandoy.
This was the first call post-Oslo and lot of issues were discussed. The first words were to comment on our great experiences from Oslo and how great it was to meet the APECS members in persons. The next newsletter will be dedicated to pictures and report on the various APECS activities in Oslo. Big applause for Jenny, Alex, Hugues and all the people involved in the organization of this event.
After this point, the call started with the discussion of the up-coming Ex-Com elections. This year elections will be coordinated by Daniela, call for applications will by launched soon. The next point on the agenda was to discuss the on-going funding and strategic plan for the APECS sustainability. Our sponsoring strategies and documentation were largely discussed and over the next weeks some of the ideas will collected into an official document. A draft prospectus on the funding strategy written by Kate was presented and will be worked on by the rest of the Ex-Com member during the next two weeks. We discussed several options on what potential funders will receive for their contributions. Allen, for example, suggested having an exclusive part of the website to promote our partners and sponsors, as well as to have some features in the website´s front page.
We also discussed several new proposals for working groups (microbial ecology working group, APECS magazine) that we received.
New APECS activities are in their way! At least three panels are being organized: Jose Xavier and others are organizing a discussion panel in Buenos Aires during the SCAR OSC. UKPN is going to hold a workshop in remote sensing and the next panel in Chile is starting to take form for October of this year. -
ExCom call May 21, 2010
In Attendance: Silje (for the first part), Jenny, Gerlis, Kate, Francisco, Alex
The call started with Silje, the newest APECS council member introducing herself to the Excom, and discussed her ideas for APECS over the next year.After Silje left the call, the Excom moved on with their agenda. The IPY report is now complete and will be available in Oslo, and will be sent to the council members along with the council and Excom summaries. The new advertising materials for Oslo are also now finished, and Alex will coordinate the printing with the company in Oslo. Jenny will put up the new advertising material on the APECS website.
The Excom have decided to invite Stina, a former APECS council member, and Lassi, who has informally been part of the advisory committee, to both formally join the APECS advisory committee. Gerlis will send them an invitation letter shortly.
The Excom discussed the Internal Evaluations Committee document, and the thourght of adding a note on the website, or amending the council charter to include behaviour. They decided for the mean time to just put the Internal Evaluations Committee to a Council vote. Alex will post the document on the website, and email the council.
The MoUs with UArctic and IAI are on track to be signed in Oslo, the one with IASSA and SHARE is also on track to be signed shortly also. Given these new partnerships, a question was raised on which logos we now need to include on all advertising and website. We might want to consider only using logos of funders, which we will discuss at the Excom meeting in Oslo.
Marcos Tonnelli from Brazil can no longer attend the SSG Geoscience meeting, so Francisco will now take on this role, and will work with Stefan to see if he wishes to remain the official APECS rep.
IASC has put out a call for workshop proposals- deadlines of 31 August and 31 December. We discussed potentially putting forward another IMPETUS workshop in 2011 in St. Petersburg.
We were hoping to have a feature from SPRI in the newsletter in June, but will be postponed until August. July will feature activities from the Oslo conference and Francisco will provide photos and information to Ben for June's newsletter.
The call ended with the Excom has putting off discussing APECS sustainability and using Project Fork to manage our files until after Oslo. Gerlis noted she is working on the Marta Muse Prize nomination for Jose.
ExCom call May 6, 2010
In attendance: Jenny Baeseman, Gerlis Fugmann, Kate Sinclair, Alex Taylor, Daniela Liggett, Allen Pope
The first item for discussion was the great activity from the Council. We appreciate the effort that Council members put into compiling their reports for us, and the achievements of the Council this year are really impressive. All Council activities have now been compiled into one document that highlights the activities since the beginning of the 2009-2010 term. We would like to post this on the APECS website, but will first send it to the Council for approval.We also discussed ways for the ExCom to continue improving its communication and 2-way exchange of information with the Council. We are considering asking the Council to nominate a representative to attend ExCom calls so that they can report back to Council on our activities and bring any questions/concerns directly to us during our bi-weekly skype chats. We are also looking into systems that will enable us to organise and manage organisational documents more efficiently, because this will also help us to share information with the Council and members quickly and effectively. Both the Council points system and communication strategies will be added to the agenda for discussion on the next Council call.
The APECS Sponsorship Plan was also discussed at length. We have now received feedback from many Council members on the initial draft of this plan and are putting together budget information and a draft APECS prospectus. This prospectus will be a 2-3 page glossy document that will briefly highlight core APECS activities. This will enable funders to see exactly what types of tangible projects their money can contribute to. There will be more work done on this in the next couple of months in terms of coming up with a timeline and strategy, and we will keep the Council posted on the progress on this front.
The Oslo meeting is now coming up very rapidly, and plans are coming together for the Council meeting in Oslo. We still need to confirm the agenda and venue, but we'll definitely be in contact very shortly about this. Also, Allen and Bruno have been working very hard on putting together APECS's publicity materials to be launched in Oslo. These will consist of a variety of APECS banners, flyers, brochures and posters. In addition, we are finalising an APECS IPY Report (~50 pages) that summarises all of APECS's activities over the past 3 years. This will also be printed and presented at the Oslo Open Science conference. Of course, a number of APECS posters will also be presented by many of our enthusiastic and hard working members. Allen/Bruno have nearly finished designing a template for these so that all of the APECS poster presentations have a consistent look at the conference.
ExCom call April 7, 2010
In attendance: Jenny Baeseman, Daniela Liggett, Gerlis Fugmann, Alex Taylor, Francisco Fernandoy, Allen Pope (Council rep), Kate Sinclair.
Jenny provided the ExCom with a written update about all of the activities leading up to the IPY meeting in Oslo. The planning for Oslo is coming along well, and they are still finalising many details for APECS events at the meeting. We are also writing a series of APECS IPY reports that will be presented in Oslo. Jenny was also in Antalya, Turkey last week for a meeting on creating a European Young Academy. It was a chance to share some of the lessons we have learned from the success of APECS with these other people. A final report from the meeting will be available in a few weeks.
The ExCom are also in the process of finalizing a procedure for the APECS Internal Evaluations Committee. This will consist of APECS Ex Officio Council members, who will be responsible for resolving any grievances that arise within the organisation. Once we have finalised the draft procedure, this will be sent to the Council for comment.
There is much momentum surrounding the establishment of APECS working groups and quite a few great proposals have been submitted. We discussed the scope of the Field Site Initiative at some length and hope to initiate this project in coming weeks. Allen Pope has also been working hard on the web content for the Field Schools project and we are still gathering material for this, but it should be all online soon.
The ExCom also discussed the Council points system, and all Council members will be receiving more information about this shortly. We all agreed that building a qualitative component into the points system is a good idea (this was raised at the last Council call). This qualitative information can then be converted into bonus points. The ExCom agreed that every 3 months each Council member should send in a paragraph outlining their activities. This will be combined with points gained from other activities (such as posting news items, jobs etc) to come up with an overall record of everyone's great efforts. This is a way of identifying and, if need be, removing inactive Council members, but more importantly, will also serve as a way of mentoring and supporting people to branch into new activities. We also discussed the possibility of using this 'review system' to reward active APECS members by contributing financially to their participation in international APECS activities at conferences.
Other business discussed on the call included a new MoU which is being finalised with IAI and UArctic. We are also in discussion with SHARE and IASSA about establishing an MoU. In addition, Gerlis is attending the first IPY 2012 Steering Committee meeting in Oslo this weekend and will keep us posted on those discussions. Lastly, we are wrapping up the APECS design competition, and had some fantastic submissions. Winners will be announced very shortly!
ExCom call March 21, 2010
In attendance: Alex Taylor, Daniela Liggett, Francisco Fernandoy, Jenny Baeseman, Kate Sinclair
Apologies received from Gerlis FugmannThe ExCom officially welcomed Francisco back "in the office" after his field season in Antarctica. Francisco updated the ExCom about the field school that took place at Bellingshausen Station in January 2010. He reported that the summer school went well but also that there was some scope for improvement in the future, particularly with respect to better planning of the scientific programme. He expressed gratitude to the Polar Birds research group from the University of Jena who were working on King George Island at the time the field school took place and who integrated field school participants in their field work. A blog about the field school was kept by one of the participants and is available at http://lindsayontheice.wordpress.com/.
Jenny updated the ExCom about recent developments in Norway. APECS has finally been registered as a non-profit organisation in Norway. This also enabled a bank account to be established for APECS.
Preparations for the IPY OSC in Oslo are well under way, but the workload has been so overwhelming especially for the APECS Director that a fixed-term part-time position will be created through the IPY International Programme Office (thank you, Dave Carlson!) to provide administrative and organisational support.
APECS will be present at the SCAR OSC in Buenos Aires, where Francisco and Jose are planning to organise at least one APECS event.
Further updates were provided by Alex on the complaints procedure, by Kate on the IPY final report that is a work in progress, and by Allen on the field schools project. The Council members will be kept informed as these initiatives/projects take shape.
As always, suggestions and feedback from you, the Council members, are always welcome and appreciated. -
ExCom call March 8, 2010
In attendance: Jenny Baeseman, Erli Costa (for first 10 minutes); Daniela Liggett, Gerlis Fugmann, Allen Pope (Council rep), Kate Sinclair.
In this meeting, we welcomed Allen Pope to the call. Allen has been a very active Council member and has offered to help the ExCom in the busy lead up to the Oslo IPY conference, and has been appointed by the ExCom as an interim ExCom member for the time that Kate is taking maternity leave later this summer.We began the call by talking with Erli Costa (a Brazilian APECS member) about her Council application. Erli has some great ideas about how she wants to contribute to APECS in Brazil and we unanimously voted to approve her application to the Council. We also received a Council application from Punyasloke Bhadury (India), and although Punyasloke could not make the call (due to fieldwork commitments), we were all very impressed with his application and are happy to vote him onto the APECS Council.
Gerlis gave us an update on the establishment of the Working Group programme. There are now three working group proposals posted on the APECS website with 2 more under development. This initiative will be widely advertised to all APECS members in the next couple of days, and we think that this will be a great opportunity for members to get more involved in APECS.
The ExCom are working on two major reports: An IPY report and an APECS info paper requested by SCAR for the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting. The IPY report will be 50-100 pages and is part of APECS' obligations as an IPY project. This will outline all major APECS activities and initiatives over the past 3 years and will be very useful in future months in terms of developing a sustainability plan for APECS and writing an academic paper about the development of the organisation.
We are also in the process of developing an APECS Complaints Committee. This will be composed of neutral Ex Officio APECS Council members, who will implement a formal process whereby anyone within APECS can lodge a complaint. This will be reviewed by the Committee who will make recommendations about the best way to resolve the issue.
APECS is also in the process of nominating two representatives to organizing committee for IPY 2012 in Montreal. Gerlis has kindly offered to join the Steering Committee (it was suggested that our most senior member be assigned to this task similar to procedures in APECS with the two previous IPY conferences) and she will be supported by the Director in this role. Nominations are also open for an APECS member to join a) the Programme Committee (the application process is being managed by the RAC), and b) the Communications (and Outreach) Committee. We have advertised these opportunities to all Council members, but will also open this to all APECS members to increase the pool of nominees before a decision is made on the applications. The deadline for nominating the APECS representatives to these committees is March 12, 2010.
Finally, Jenny and Gerlis have been doing a lot of research into other options for technology to support the Council Calls. The Adobe system is continually improving, but we need a good back-up system for when we do have issues. The best option so far is the Powwownow business plan. There is a one time set up fee and this gives us access to a web conferencing system and a desktop sharing system, which would be very useful for Virtual Poster sessions. Powwownow would also enable us to record conversations and, for the virtual poster session, this means that we can post discussions online at a later date. The ExCom approved the recommendation to go ahead with Powwownow, and Jenny will finalize the contract with them so that we can begin using this for future calls.
ExCom call February 23, 2010
Attended by: Alex, Daniela, Gerlis, Jenny and Kate
The meeting started with an update from Kate on the Mentor database. All is going reasonably well and more than 15 mentors have already signed up on the website. To promote the database, the importance of involving the Council members in recruiting mentors had been stressed, and it was agreed that this effort should be increased. Special attention has to be paid to making sure that those mentors, who do not want to have their information displayed on the website, will be recorded on a confidential spreadsheet that can be accessed by the ExCom only.
Gerlis gave an update on the working group proposal. The final draft of the proposal is currently up for voting with the Council. So far, all votes were in favour of the proposal. There will be no annual themes created for the working groups right now to encourage different types of working groups to form. There are a number of working groups already in the planning (field sites, virtual poster session, acronym database and a few others).
Kate is currently working putting together an APECS IPY Summary Report on activities over the past three years. A first draft version of the structure was sent to the ExCom for comments. All ExCom members will contribute to the report. In addition, an Information Paper for the upcoming Antarctic Treaty Consultative meeting (to be presented by SCAR) will be drafted by Daniela to increase the awareness about APECS among Antarctic policy-makers.
We also discussed the current workload of the ExCom. Alex will compile a list of the tasks the current ExCom members have to keep a record of it and to make it more transparent of who is responsible for what. For this purpose the Priorities document of the current ExCom will be updated.
The Canadian IPY organizing team for the IPY-OSC 2012 wants APECS to nominate a qualified member to their Steering Committee. Nominations have to be made by early March. All ExCom members will come up with a short list of potential candidates, who we feel can appropriately represent APECS and balance out the Committee.
The ExCom also discussed new Council applicants. To get a better idea of new applicants and to learn more about their ideas and commitments, the ExCom decided to invite new applicants in the future for an 'interview' during ExCom calls. We will urge new members to introduce themselves at their first Council call.
We discussed the necessity of creating a neutral Complaints Committee within APECS. We hope that this will provide a formal process whereby a complaint can be made about anyone involved in APECS activities. This will then be investigated in a formal manner and resolved as the Committee sees fit.