Association of Polar Early Career Scientists


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© Inga Beck, José Xavier,Aleksandr Krasnov, Inga Beck, Alexa Hasselmann (left to right)

In our APECS News, you can find news from and about the wider APECS network and our many events, activities and resources organized and developed by the APECS leadership, project groups and National Committees

If you want to submit APECS news for this page, please use the link below. If you have any questions, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We keep only the news of the last 3 months on this page. Older news can be accessed in our APECS News Archive.  

ECR reviewer webinar by APECS Canada and Arctic Science

Join APECS Canada and Arctic Science for a webinar on the reviewing process as an early career researcher (ECR). Our guest speaker is Dr. Lisa Loseto, editor in chief at Arctic Science, who will give an overview of the review process and tips for reviewing. This will be an interactive webinar with breakout rooms, for a chance to participate in hands-on exercises and receive real time feedback from journal experts at Arctic Science. 

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Looking for an early career scientist to join the editorial board for the seventh State of Environmental Science in Svalbard report

Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS) is a consortium of international institutions with research infrastructure in and around Svalbard. SIOS is building an integrated observing system for long-term measurements addressing Earth System questions.

SIOS publishes an annual State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) report. The first issue was released in January 2019. The report summarises the state of current knowledge of key Earth System Science parameters and analyses how these parameters influence one another. The SESS report outlines the work that has been done in the previous year within the SIOS cooperation to optimise the observing system and recommends research priorities for the following year(s). 

The seventh issue of the SESS report will consist of updates of 12 chapters ranging from geology, biology, glaciology to the movement of the magnetic pole. The deadline for chapter submissions is 15 September 2024 and the report will be finalised in the beginning of December. An online workshop with authors is planned for April. The SESS report 2024 will be released at the beginning of the Polar Night Week in Longyearbyen.

SESSreport Stack 6m

The editorial board consists of five persons, two of which are senior researchers from SIOS member institutions and two are from the SIOS Knowledge Centre. We would like to appoint an early career scientist as fifth member of the editorial board.

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Call for ECR participants in the SOOS Ross Sea Regional Working Group

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) and the Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS, are looking for an early career scientist to join the leadership team of the following working group :

The successful applicant will have working knowledge of observational research of the Southern Ocean with a particular interest in the respective region of the working group. The ECR representative will attend RWG meetings, and be responsible for assisting with data collection, curation, and reportage, and will be an important link in liaising between APECS and SOOS. The group is interested in receiving applications from any countries, including those not yet represented by the RWG Leadership Group.

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Join the APECS get-together during the EGU General Assembly in Vienna


Join us for an APECS get-together during the upcoming EGU General Assembly in Vienna! Organized by APECS Germany and APECS ExCom, we would like to invite you to our splinter meeting for networking, sharing experiences, presenting activities and much more. The meeting will be an open space for National Committees and Project Groups to present their activities, but also for any APECS member (or those interested in becoming one or alumni) for meeting each other, asking questions and generally getting inspired.

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Youth Together For Arctic Futures

Youth Together For Arctic Futures - The EU is supporting a new project to empower Arctic youth to influence policies that affect them, and to help foster exchanges between European and Arctic youth.

Youth around the world will live with the consequences of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. The Arctic, as a region, and Europe, as a continent, are warming several times faster than the global average. The impacts of climate change are already felt all cross the Arctic and Europe. Current and future decisions by policymakers at all levels shape the severity of these consequences, and the EU is committed to ensure that future generations have a liveable and thriving planet. Young people want to have greater agency to act and influence the policies that affect them. For this they are in need of the skills, opportunities, and connections to advocate for good climate and environmental policies.

Arctic and European youth join to influence the European Arctic policy agenda

image by Dora Kurobasa: Youth Gathering in Tromsø, Norway

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APECS International Mentorship Award 2023

DavidBarnesAPECS is very pleased to announce our APECS International Mentorship Award 2023 recipientDr. David K. A. Barnes!

Dr. David Barnes was nominated by Nadescha Zwerschke (Greenland Institute of Natural Resources) supported by Dr. Terri Souster (UiT The Arctic University of Norway) and Saz Reed (SSEN Transmission, Scotland) on behalf of Dr. Barnes’ wider mentees. They highlighted his role as a mentor and the profound impact he has had on their careers and that of others  of emerging Polar researchers.

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2024 IASC Fellowship Program Recipients

The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation in cooperation with the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS) are excited to announce the recipients of the 2024 IASC Fellowship Program. 

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the IASC Fellowship program in 2024, ten successful early career researchers were identified for all available fellowships. APECS coordinated the application and review process; recommendations from APECS based on the peer review process were delivered for final selection to the IASC Working Group Chairs and the SAON Leadership. The reviewers were impressed by the excellent quality of the applications. 

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Contact APECS

APECS International Directorate
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Huginbakken 14
9019 Tromsø
Email: info(at)

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